
September 2012

Page history last edited by Mrs. Singleton 12 years, 1 month ago

Thursday September 27, 2012


Homework:   Due to NECAPs next week the schedule for Science Assessment will be given on the following dates:


                      Blocks A,B  Monday Oct. 1st

                      Block C      Tuesday Oct. 2nd

                      Block D      Wednesday Oct. 3rd



Review the difference between technology and science.  Know the definitions of technology, science and society.  Review your science/technology assignments you have done, including the notes from the Edison movie.  Remember you need to name the inventor of the technology! 


Do you have all your assignments in and up to date?  I am starting to put information into your portal. 


Plan for the Day:  


    View Thomas Edison- As you watch the program fill in notes.  You will discuss your notes and take notes from the other classmates to prepare for the assessment.



Wednesday September 26, 2012


Homework:   Review for your Assessment on Tuesday, Oct. 2


Review the difference between technology and science.  Know the definitions of technology, science and society.  Review your science/technology assignments you have do



Look at your score (1,2,3,4)  reflect on your score and think about why you scored as you did.





Plan for the Day:

     Take ONE paper on your counter = "The Impact of Biology Rubic"


     ALPHABETIZE by last name 1st.

     PRINT last name first and 1st name last on lines available on the upper left hand corner of paper

     Put your Block on the line provided. 


     Impact on Biology Presentations


     If time:  Copy the next three vocab. words and definitions on  Quizlet  (Investigative Question, Hypothesis, Data)

                  Use the yellow Science Vocabulary paper you got back with first 3 words on it.


                 Start 1st "mystery" science reading "Classified Information" and complete the exercise as a group.


Movie Camera Invention



Zoopraxiscope image

Muybridge Zoopraxis Setting Time in Motion


ITF Zoopraxiscope on Vimeo


How Light bulb works


Links to Science Extensions


               1.    Go to Science Learning Links 

                              Go to Techology Challenge Or

                               go to  Brainpop.  (Click on FREE movies-they work)

                               Select a few movies:  watch the movie and take the quiz.  Need to use earphones.




               2.   Go to your Vocabulary Quizlet on Science Learning Links andlearnthe vocabulary words for this unit

                    (use the "games" below to learn)


              3.  Look on the internet for a technology that you are interested in.


              4. Read books on a technology that interests you  are in the front of my desk.


              5.  Research for lists that ranks the technologies that made the biggest different in human society.

                   ( what technologies/inventions do you think made the biggest impact on society).

                    List your top ten... and share with class.




Tuesday September 25, 2012



Homework:      Prepare for assessment:  Use your Invention Poster materials, the biology articles you read and present to class, and information you take down on a famous inventor.  He will help you "see the light".  You need to choose one of the people who developed an invention or  medical advance that changed society.  You will write information about the science he/she learned and the technology or medical advance that changed society of his/her day and beyond.  Assessment is scheduled Tuesdayfor Oct. 2nd.


Know the difference between technology and science.  Know the definitions of technology, science and society (use your vocabulary -when you get it back or use quizlet)


Plan for the Day:


1.   As a member of your group, prepare your part of your presentation.

2.   As a group, give suggestions about how better to state information, look for misinformation, or if some important point was not stated in add it in the presentation.  Be sure there is enough detail to help audience understand the science, the technology that came about as the science was understood, and what was the benefit to society of the time, and what would happen if the technology was developed at all.


You will have 1/2 hour to finish and prepare for your presentation.







Monday September 24, 2012


Homework:   If you did not turn in your 1st Vocabulary and/or "Scientific Summer" do as soon as possible.  If you are in a sport, you will not be eligible to play.


Plan for the Day:  


         1. Introduction to "The Impact of Biology" Assignment/Discuss Rubric




September 21, 2012


Homework:   None



Plan for the Day

                               Share your vocabulary sentences with your group,place them in a neat pile on the edge of

                              the table and I will come around and collect the papers.


         . Fill in Technology and Society when I asked you to


          .  Assignment:The Impact of  Science on Technology DUE TODAY AT END OF BLOCK 


               Procedure: Working in Student Pairs


a.  Look up the your science principle in the Brittanica Ultimate Reference Suite

b.  Describe the scientific principle given to you and how it works or its   characteristics that lead to its use in a technology (invention)

c.  Describe an invention and how it impacted society for good or worse

d.  State the year that the invention was produced or made.


Construct a poster using all the information from your research and order your information following directions below:  Before you turn in-check to see if you have all for parts below and headng


          1.  Picture of technology

          2.  Invention

          3.  Scientific Principles

          4.  Impact of invention on society


               Cite Reference using Citation Machine


Example of "Poster" (all students will share their posters with class and add theirs to a class poster for display.


           Sample Poster Click Here



September 20, 2012


Homework:   Vocabulary words ( Science, Technology, Society)  Due Tomorrow


Plan for the Day



         1. Fill in Assessment Rubric  Block C only


          3.  Assignment:The Impact of  Science on Technology (continue where left off yesterday) 

                                                  Need to finish today

               Outcome:  Students will identify how science impacts all parts of human life.

               Objective:  Identify a scientific concept that led to a technology

                                 Identify the effects that the technology had on human society


               Procedure: Working in Student Pairs


a.  Look up the your science principle in the Brittanica Ultimate Reference Suite

b.  Describe the scientific principle given to you and how it works or its   characteristics that lead to its use in a technology (invention)

c.  Describe an invention and how it impacted society for good or worse

d.  State the year that the invention was produced or made.


Construct a poster using all the information from your research and order your information following directions below:


          1.  Picture of technology

          2.  Invention

          3.  Scientific Principles

          4.  Impact of invention on society


               Cite Reference using Citation Machine


Example of "Poster" (all students will share their posters with class and add theirs to a class poster for display.


           Sample Poster


           4.  If all done with "Impact of Science on Technology and Society"

              Pick from the following choices:


               1.    Go to Science Learning Links and click on Brainpop.

                               Select a few movies:  watch the movie and take the quiz.  Need to use earphones.


               2.   Go to your Vocabulary Quizlet on   Science Learning Links andlearnthe vocabulary words for this unit

                    (use the "games" below to learn)


              3.  Look on the internet for a technology that you are interested in.


              4. Read books on a technology that interests you  are in the front of my desk.


              5.  Research for lists that ranks the technologies that made the biggest different in human society.

                   ( what technologies/inventions do you think made the biggest impact on society).

                    List your top ten... and share with class.



September 19, 2012


Homework:   Vocabulary words ( Science, Technology, Society)  Due Friday, 9.21.12 


Plan for the Day


          1. Fill in Assessment Rubric


         2.  Lesson for Learning Vocabulary in Science due Friday 9/21/12

                Finish going over yellow vocabulary paper to understand all instructions.

              New Vocabulary:  Science, Technology and Society   


          3.  Assignment:The Impact of  Science on Technology (continue where left off yesterday) 


               Outcome:  Students will identify how science impacts all parts of human life.

               Objective:  Identify a scientific concept that led to a technology

                                 Identify the effects that the technology had on human society


               Procedure: Working in Student Pairs


a.  Look up the your science principle in the Brittanica Ultimate Reference Suite

b.  Describe the scientific principle given to you and how it works or its   characteristics that lead to its use in a technology (invention)

c.  Describe an invention and how it impacted society for good or worse

d.  State the year that the invention was produced or made.


Construct a poster using all the information from your research and order your information following directions below:


          1.  Picture of technology

          2.  Invention

          3.  Scientific Principles

          4.  Impact of invention on society


               Cite Reference using Citation Machine


Example of "Poster" (all students will share their posters with class and add theirs to a class poster for display.


           Sample Poster




September 18, 2012


Plan for the Day:  


          1.  Complete Warmup #10 above-be sure you have student to share group ideas 


         2.  Lesson for Learning Vocabulary in Science

                Finish going over yellow vocabulary paper to understand all instructions.

              New Vocabulary:  Science, Technology and Society   


          3.  Assignment:The Impact of  Science on Technology (continue where left off yesterday) 


               Outcome:  Students will identify how science impacts all parts of human life.

               Objective:  Identify a scientific concept that led to a technology

                                 Identify the effects that the technology had on human society


               Procedure: Working in Student Pairs


a.  Look up the your science principle in the Brittanica Ultimate Reference Suite

b.  Describe the scientific principle given to you and how it works or its   characteristics that lead to its use in a technology (invention)

c.  Describe an invention and how it impacted society for good or worse

d.  State the year that the invention was produced or made.


Construct a poster using all the information from your research and order your information following directions below:


          1.  Picture of technology

          2.  Invention

          3.  Scientific Principles

          4.  Impact of invention on society


               Cite Reference using Citation Machine


Example of "Poster" (all students will share their posters with class and add theirs to a class poster for display.


           Sample Poster






September 17, 2012  Computers go home Fri. Sept. 28


     Please put on your desk:



           Any overdue work to turn in


Homework:   Vocabulary words ( Science, Technology, Society)  Due Friday, 9.21.12




Plan for the Day:  



          2.  Put your model airplanes (wings) on your table and your average time for 5 launches.

          3.  In your group, discuss which model(s) were most successful (longest flights = best lift).  What design(s)   gave a the airplane the bet lift?

               Each group reports out to class.



         4.  Lesson for Learning Vocabulary in Science

                  You are going to study the differences between science and technology and     their relationship to society.

               MaterialsWhite board, marker and eraser

               Vocabulary paper.


              New Vocabulary:  Science, Technology and Society






September 14, 2012  Computers go home Fri. Sept. 28


     Please put on your desk:



           Any "Scientific Summer" to turn in?  Turn in now


Homework: None



Warm Up #7 


In your group, discuss the answer to the question:


  Question:  What gets a bird, wing, or frisbee off the ground?




Plan for the Day:   


               1a. Teams of two's take a challenge!!! 

                         Design a paper airplane with wings that create the most lift!!!

                              What team remains in the air the longest?

                                  Only materials you can use are: two sheets of 8.5" x 11"paper,

                                 1 paper clip, three staples,

                                 a dab of glue and

                                 three inches of masking tape


                       All materials are optional (do not need to use) except for the paper


                 2b.  One team at a time will launch plane and using a stop watch record flying times.

                      Repeat the launch 4 more times and average the 5 launches.

                         You cannot change the plane design during the 5 launches.


              3c.  As  a class, compare team results.  What conclusions can you draw? Why might

                     some planes have more lift than others?    Discuss in your teams and share out to class.          




               Introduction to Science Vocabulary:   Science







September 12, 2012  Computers go home Fri. Sept. 28


     Please put on your desk:




          "Scientific Summer" ready to turn in.  (I do have some already passed in)

         Each group place your "Scientific Summer" paragraphs in a neat pile on the edge

         of your tables, if you have not turn in your essay yet.  I will collect while

         you are working on your Warmup.




Homework: None



Warm Up #6 

                    Five athletes were returning from a cross-country race.

                    Athlete C placed third, and athlete E placed second. From the following information,

                    can you tell how athletes A, B, and D placed in the race? Athlete A was not last.

                   Athlete A came in after E. Athlete D was not first. 




Plan for the Day:    


               1. KWL (do on your own) (Block D only need to share)


               2. "The Science of Flight"

                                    Finish movie

               4.  Question:  What gets a bird, wing, or frisbee off the ground?

                                     How does a wing's shape affect lift?


               3. Teams take a challenge!!!

                         Design a paper airplane with wings that create the most lift!!!

                              What team remains in the air the longest?

                                  Only materials you can use are: two sheets of 8.5" x 11"paper,

                                 1 paper clip, three staples,

                                 a dab of glue and

                                 three inches of masking tape


                       All materials are optional (do not need to use) except for the paper




September 11, 2012  Computers go home Fri. Sept. 28


     Please put on your desk:


         Computers  (taken out of case-put case in a crate)




Homework: "Scientific Summer" (2 paragraphs) due Wednesday, Sept. 12


Sign seat chart during warm-up and KWL

Warm Up #5 

                What is the one thing shared by all three items in the same group?

a cow
a shoe
a baby
a doctor's office
a post office
a zipper
a shark
a comb
restaurant goer
a bird
the Senate
a potato
a hurricane
a target
a river
a person
a cave



Plan for the Day:    


               1. KWL (do on your own)


               2. "The Science of Flight"

                                Discuss in your group:  Why did man want to fly"

                                                                 How did the airplane change our life?

                                                                 What are the forces that affect the plane in flight?

                                                                 Name one technology that allows a plane to fly


               3.  If time Teams take a challenge!!!

                         Design a paper airplane with wings that create the most lift!!!


                Science Learning Links                   

                Science and Technology






September 10, 2012  Computers go home Fri. Sept. 28


     Please put on your desk:


         Computers  (taken out of case-put case in a crate)

         "Scientific Summer" - "Brainstorming Activity" ( put this on your desk where I can see your list)



Homework: "Scientific Summer" (2 paragraphs) due Wednesday, Sept. 12



Warm Up #4 

            Can you explain?  To answer these questions, you have to let your brain think in

            different ways than you may be used to.  Here's an example:


Question:  A girl who was just learning to drive went down a one-way street in the wrong direction,but  did not break the law.  How come?


     See if you can let your brain switch directions to answer these questions:


     1.  How can you throw a ball as hard as you can and have it come back to you, even if it does

          not hit anything, there is nothing attached to it, and no one else catches or throws it?


     2.  Two students are sitting on opposite sides of the same desk. There is nothing between them   but the desk. Why can't they see each other.


     3.  There are only two T's in Timothy Tuttle.  True or false.



Plan for the Day:    


               1. Check on binder completed and homework ( Brainstorm ) (have these out on desk)


               2. Work on Warm Up while I check binders and homework.


               3.Discuss the question below with your group. Decide who will report out for your group.

                  Question: is a wooden wheel technology? Be prepared to defend your answer!

                       Wheel Technology image(how man invented wheel over time step by step)


               4. Start "Scientific Summer" paragraphs.  (20 minutes) (due Wednesday, Sept. 12)


               5.Complete the KWL about what you know and want to know about want to know about                         airplanes.


               6. If done before with your paragraphs before 20 minutes, go to Science Learning Links                    the "side bar" and choose one of the three links to under Science and Technology











September 7, 2012


         Binder check:  loose leaf paper, 4 dividers




Homework:  "Scientific Summer" due "Brain storm" Monday Sept. 10


Warm Up #3  

                    Jake was standing on one side of the river and his dog Scruffy was standing on the other side.  "Come on Scruffy, come boy!" shouted Jake.  Scruffy crossed the river, ran to Jake, and got a treat for being a good dog.  The amazing thing was that Scruffy didn't even get wet!  How did Scruffy do that?



Plan for the Day:    


                            "No Man Is An Island"

                             Discuss "Scientific Summer" paragraphs (homework)




September 5, 2012


          Bring to class binders/separator tabs/pencil/       


Homework:  None


Warm Up #1


Plan for the Day:


                         Classroom Procedures

                         Scavenger Hunt (Practice rules and tools)



September 6, 2012


          Bring to class binders/separator tabs/pencil/


         Please go to seats assigned yesterday


Homework:  Essay/paragraph due on Tuesday, September 10 (Write down in your "Navigator Book")


Warm Up #2 

           Escape Hatch:

               Setting:  A prison cell with a dirt floor, stone walls, no window but a skylight very high up in the ceiling; no furniture except for a mattress.


               Action:  The prisoner who was in the cell manages to escape though the skylight.


              Question:  How did the prisoner escape????























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